Monday, April 8, 2013

Tomorrow will be the day...

So Ryan and I have welcomed home six new chicks this spring...sadly, one went the way of the dodo bird.   

So we're down to five - two Golden Laced Wyandottes, one Easter Egger, one Rhode Island Red, and one Sussex.  We got the Sussex a bit after the other four, and you can tell by their size.  

So Ryan and I have had a dilemma...when do we transition the bigger girls outside to the hen house?  We don't want them to be run over by the hens.  Believe me, they can really throw their weight around.    
But we have just about had our fill of them in the second bathroom.  

Leaving the house today Ryan closed that door because their aroma had started to permeate the house.  Not ideal.  But this would prove a critical, perhaps providential, decision.

So when I got home today and checked on the little feathery fluff balls, I got a surprise....

Chicken poo on the floor. 

We had an escapee...
someone had peaced out...
flown our cardboard coop...

And she had the courage to show her face...

Cheep! Cheep!!

Moral of the story - when chicks can fly...they can fly their way outside to the big girls' coop.  Tomorrow will be the day.  So nice of them to decide for us. 


Rochelle said...

I about fell on the floor laughing.

I LOVE your sense of humor - your personality just shines in your writing. :)

Though, I am sad for you that one "went the way of the dodo bird" and the other pood on your floor. So sad.

And so absolutely hilarious ;)

Ela said...

Ha Lin, I love it. Brave little chick. Has she survived with the hens?

I love the way you told this story. Love it!